First of all it says "God, being rich in mercy"(vs 4). This says two things: He is rich because of mercy or He is full of mercy. If He is rich because of mercy, what is He rich with because of the mercy He holds in His character? What does this really mean? What type of mercy is this that He would allow these words to describe Him in the Bible? It says He is rich in mercy. This could also mean He is abounding in mercy. He is full of it. He has exceeding, great possession of mercy itself. In other words, He's wealthy, a billionaire if you were to count the cost of mercy found in Him. I'd say that's way better than gold. Especially since His mercy is on us. So, maybe He's rich in mercy which causes Him to be rich in glory..the glory being us.
Mercy is defined as the kindness of God in withholding deserved judgment and extending undeserved compassion and forgiveness to man. Compassion is defined as concern or love. Which is why it goes into "because of His great love"(vs 4). How great is this love? I mean, seriously. This is the God of the universe, creator of all things, the Almighty God who is rich in mercy; this being, who is higher than any other, has an unmeasurable compassion and concern for us, undeserving humans, flesh and bones? This is crazy. We don't have anything to offer. Even if we gave Him everything we had, it wouldn't even compare to an offering that He is worthy of. And He has concern for us? He is full of mercy and love for us, for our sake, for our well-being?? This is a fatherly trait too..hmmm..
"Even when we were dead in our transgressions"(vs 5)...this means we had turned away and taken our trust and hope away from the Father and fallen into our own nature and choices,whether choosing to exalt ourselves, or something or someone else. This makes absolutely no sense except that we don't understand His greatness and goodness and we don't believe He loves us, and that His love is good.
Okay, imagine this. You love someone. We have all loved someone. Whether it be a boyfriend, friend, sibling, parent, other family member, or any other relation, we have all loved someone and stretched out our hand with gifts, of kind words, time, kind gestures, or literal gifts only to be rewarded with wandering eyes onto another or unthankfulness in the heart. We have all taken a chance to reprimand, with wisdom and the desire for that person's well-being, because in love, seeing that person walking right and at their best would be enough for us, but that person continues to turn away to the very thing you know is hurting them, and killing them, instead of accepting your love. It hurts, we don't understand the "why's", but you continue to care and love and give out your mercy time and time again until there is no more to give and you soon have to let go. We have all had someone do this for us too. Every one of us, because being flesh, we have only messed up, or had to/and continue to learn how to love. The crazy thing is, because of verse 4 of Ephesians 2, we know that God has a "great love with which He has loved us" (loved us being past tense, meaning said and done, settled forevermore, will never end), and therefore we have a zillion chances to turn back. He always loves, and always will because He is God, and not man, even though He knows the "why's" and every desire of our heart, which is not good until He gives us a desire from Him.
Does this mean we move the heart of the Father in heaven even in our weakness? Why else would He "love us with His great love even when we were dead in our transgressions"? Why would He still let His lovingkindness fall on us from His mercy seat? Because His discipline is love too.
A verse that is coming to mind is Isaiah 65: 1-3, "I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me; I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me. I said, 'Here am I, here am I,' to a nation which did not call on My name; I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts, a people who continually provoke Me to My face, offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on bricks".
Why would He do this? The only thing He gains is us in return. Romans 2:4 says, "or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" So His kindness is to draw us back to Him? We are His prize? Crazy. He counts us His gain. We are His glory. We are His hope.
Man, we have a Father in Heaven who is rich in mercy! And His love for us is great!! By great, I mean, beyond the expanse of what we could begin to imagine. And He's throwing it out to us, making it available all of the time. Boy do I want to be able to recognize it and learn to receive it. I want to be thankful. I want to understand it. I want to know the "length and width and height" (Ephesians 3:17-19). How would I walk in life if I knew this love, or if I believed in it, or even if I let it become a part of me? I want to, but I know I don't know it yet. My soul does not testify of it just yet. I struggle with it daily, momentarily..
"God, being rich in mercy.." God is rich by mercy. By mercy, God is rich..hmmm..
Ephesians 2:4-5a, "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions.." I guess that's the farthest I can get today. Way more to come on these verses..
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