Everybody has those seasons of change that they trail the timeline in their memories backwards and begin to pull out the old photographs and entries of good times that were stored in their own life's history. Naturally, feelings of sadness will emerge inside. I don't think it is wrong to feel sad, because obviously God gave us that emotion, but I think there is a problem when a person should choose to live on in the emotion past its time. As one continues to look backward, he begins to notice the absence of individuals and times and therefore feel a loss in the days of now. This results in an inability to value what surrounds him. Moreover he lacks the capacity to and is unable to love the present. This brings the feelings of paranoia, and even belief, of disappointing others around him because he can't love them the way he knows he should, or the way he believes they want him to. Then the regret for ever leaving or letting go of what was in the past, and what had been figured out follows. This results in depression, loneliness, and hopelessness which leads to wrong choices, if he hasn't started down that road already, and possibly suicide.
From my own life and several lives that have been walked out thus far around me, I am learning this is a fleshly way to go about our everyday growth and moving forward in our life. When we begin to look in the past, whether its because of missing something, someone, or some place, or things slipping out of our grip and not seeing things go the way we'd wish for them to go, or even not being able to forgive someone or forget a situation that has happened and facing regrets, we begin to get pulled back, tied down, and chained from our freedom to love, be loved, and find joy. Like I said again, this is a fleshly way.
I've been struggling with this a lot lately. The questions of "why I am not happy and why am I not able to move forward in the spirit?" has been asked in prayer meetings between God and me lately.
When I moved to South Carolina, it was because I realized God was real and I had to have more of Him. I couldn't see any other way to move. Now that I am surrounded by Him and have the oppurtunity to encounter Him daily, I find myself missing the ones I left behind. I had people to hang out with in Springfield, and the surrounding areas, whenever I wanted to, I had family to sit down and have dinner with every night I chose to, and I had someone I could call at 3am in the morning to go meet if I needed to talk. Now without a car, money, and fresh relationship, I've been missing my past so much and wishing I had that liability, that companionship, that type of friendship/bond around again. There have been times where I literally have had my mind made up to move back due to living in these scrapbooks made in my mind and realizing the "lack" I have in the now.
My question as of lately has been, "Why am I not satisfied? Why am I feeling ashamed? Why am I disappointed while I live for the Lord, wait on Him, and partner with Him? Why am I growing in unacceptance of whats around me? Is it because of what I left back there?" There's no way that's the reason. "Is it because I haven't given this place a chance to satisfy me?" No that's not the case. Its because I've taken my eyes off the future and focused on what I don't have anymore, rather than what I have and how it is bringing me closer to the Lord. I'm focused more on who's feeling upset with me in the flesh and then working to please them or satisfy them. I've been focused on whether I'll have food tomorrow, a place to live, and my bills paid. Because of all this, I've found myself saying it was so much easier when I had the security of money in my pocket, the commendation from others on what I'm doing with my life, and when I couldn't remember the night, conversations, and/or disagreeances I had the night before because I was too drunk or high. Of course it was easier. It was comforting my soul. Of course living for God instead of comforting my soul with these things is going to be harder-living for a life to come instead of this life while walking in this life just makes sense when its harder than giving in to the lusts of my flesh. Living to please the flesh, mine or someone else's, is going to seem satisfying when its only going to leave me feeling hopeless and lead me to death. Its so easy to forget about pleasing the Father in heaven when everything around you is pushing the bruises in your skin over and over until you take your eyes off Him and turn your gaze to the natural eye's vision. No wonder I'm feeling like a failure. No wonder I'm feeling depressed again. No wonder I'm feeling like I've disappointed everyone around me and their brother. Its because I'm focusing on what's going on around me instead of what the Lord's calling me to spiritually. Never have I found written in the bible to listen to what man says than to what God is saying. Point being, if we take our eyes off what's at the end we won't be able to see Him in the now and what He is doing, or blessing us with. We won't find the real joy around us, and the joy set before us. It will only result in our prayer and our relationship with Christ consisting of questioning, doubting, disbelief, and anger instead of thankfulness and praise. No wonder I have been struggling with getting in the spirit..when I choose to. No wonder my eyes are clouded and I'm all confused and I can't see the eternal. No wonder I've been looking for "what's out there again" and "the more". No wonder I'm tried, stressed, and unhappy even in the Father's house.
David says it perfectly in Psalm 77:7-10, "Will the Lord reject forever? And will He never be favorable again? Has His lovingkindness ceased forever? Has His promise come to an end forever? Has God forgotten to be gracious, or has He in anger withdrawn His compassion. Then I said, 'It is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High has changed.'" First of all, God is slow to anger, quick to lovingkindness. Second of all, He is unchanging. It is me who has changed my focus. It is me believing He is not good. It is me trying to comfort my soul as it cleaves to the dust and make me believe that His grace and lovingkindness isn't real.
The Lord has finally, in His kindness, opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not missing, longing, desiring all of "home" at all. I mean, yes, they are good memories, good times, and I do love and miss it, but the desire is for the familiar, the closeness, the love I experienced there. He has put us in these relationships, the healthy relationships, in order to give us a glimpse, a sneak peak into the place and the intimacy we have in store with Him. How much greater is the love of the Father? This desire we are feeling is a want for the more that is to come at the end. Eternal love. Unfailing love. Home. Heaven. Father, Son-our beloved, and unison by the Holy Spirit. This is what we are feeling. A longing, a groan, an ache. We are hurting for that perfect peace, rest, and love. He's drawing us in. He's giving us a sheer feeling of what He has been aching for since the beginning of time.
We are strangers on the earth. We will never be satisfied until we die and return to heaven; unless of course, one should choose not to believe in the beautiful testimony of Jesus. But, that's not what I'm writing about. I'm writing to pinpoint these feelings of missing "back there" and what has been known in the past and seeing the reality of why we feel this way. As I'm realizing the truth of these longings, I'm learning to replace them by moving my eyes forward to what I am really actually wanting by meditating on His goodness, His faithfulness, and His beauty portrayed in the Bible and remembering how He's encountered me in my life in these ways. As I dig into these testimonies from our spiritual forefathers, and from my history with God, I am able to discern more easily and see more clearly that its the Son of God, the Father, the throne room that I am missing and longing for. Its what the Spirit on the inside of me is groaning for. I must let the Spirit become bigger than the flesh and my soul. I've been reminded a lot about Romans 8 over the last couple months, which I consider to have been my first real meditation on the bible with real understanding about a year ago.
This is what we are looking for from the moment we take our first breath. This is what we are seeking. This is what we are missing and desiring and longing and groaning and hoping to come upon. I can't say it enough. Until the end, we are on our own pilgrimage led by the Spirit, if we should choose to believe and be faithful to Him, to seek and find the intimacy, closeness, love and God of the Most High. Its really pretty brilliant. This is why Jesus is called the author of our faith.
Anyways, a couple prayers that have helped me over the last week or so, and I hope will encourage anyone else, have been from Psalm 119:19 & 54, "I am a stranger in the earth; do not hide Your commandments from me. Your statutes are my songs in the house of my pilgrimage." and Psalm 77:11-13, "I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Your way, O God, is holy; what god is great like our God?"
I will choose to meditate on the wonders of God. I will choose to believe He is good and will carry me through. I will choose to say He is the only thing that satisfies. This is my joy in my house of pilgrimage. This is my comfort as my heart calls to me with truth that I am not a stranger on this journey, but only on this earth. And I can't be a part of anything that I'm joining together with in any other name. Every which way I walk, talk, and hear has got to be in the name of Jesus.
"Am I sowing to the Spirit or sowing to the flesh? I'm doing one or the other all the time."-Cory Asbury
And this marks the end of another long, honest trail of thoughts as I've stumbled on a little bit more of Truth in this walk as the Spirit battles my flesh. Thank God for a blog to let it all come out and start to piece together. And thank God I can type fast or I would never have the patience. Amen.