Saturday, June 13, 2009

In A Hotel In Joplin Right Now...

...the hours to prepare ourselves for Dad's wedding are slipping away. 

Memories are flooding in.

Oh, how I've missed scrunching together in front of a mirror, and squeezing through doorways of bathrooms as we bustle around with make-up, hairdryers, straighteners, and hair product while running into scents of sprays of all kinds trailing whichever direction you go. The craziness of 5 sisters needing to get dressed up at the same time. Beautiful mess.


  1. i really like your blog...well done!..thamy

  2. Did you painted "let deep cry out" i's gorgeous...Thamy

  3. Thanks Thamy! No, I just designed the blog. I didn't paint the picture. "Let Deep Cry Out" is just what I named my blog. I still have to look up the artist that did it. I want it too. Lol, its so cool.
