Thursday, October 29, 2009

Father Daughter Encounter.

Working in ministry, or more-so when you begin to actually walk with Christ, you begin to realize how weak you really are. No matter how long you've been in it, or how much experience you have with outreaching or ministering to people by the power of Christ, you really are just a child.

There are a couple of serious situations going on around me right now, not to mention the darkness of the world and yoke of the enemy on my peers, that just have gripped my heart. Seeing complete injustice for a child I love dearly, and heaviness and captivity to fear or depression in others I love, as well as several money problems for people I know have me wishing I had the power to "save" them. I wish that I had a way that I could personally just pull them out of the mess, the hurt, the ache, the problem. Its a good desire, I think. I see the problem and I want to fix it so I can see them happy again and free to live, but being right here where I'm at in this situation has made me realize just how little I can do and that I am only man. I have absolutely no power or even strength to deal with it all. Even if I had money or the right words or "way" for the other situations, I couldn't use them properly, or sow them to bring justice, without the wisdom of God.

I was at my dad's this past weekend and for the first time in over a year I got to see my family all together, for the most part, and just hang out with them without an agenda. I was watching my niece interact with my nephew for a while one day. She kept trying to put my nephew's binky in his mouth. She wanted to help. The thing was she couldn't do it just right. So she tried over and over again. My nephew began to get frustrated and annoyed because he didn't actually want the binky. She kept trying though because she knew what it was for and that she liked her binky. She wanted to bring my nephew into the same gratification and enjoyment that she has with her own. Her desire was good, but what she didn't see is that it wasn't helping him in the first place, and that she didn't have the right knowledge to satisfy him. My sister, my niece's mom, had to eventually interject and help her and direct her the right way.

It was so funny how the Lord just suddenly spoke to me. I want to help these situations that have been put into my presence so bad lately, but I really don't have the right way to help. As I've asked the Father for direction and wisdom, I really haven't had much response. He said so clearly, "apart from Me, you can do nothing", which is in the parable in John 15. No matter how bad I ache and hurt and desire, for the good, to see these situations made right for my friends and family, I can't. I don't have any power to do so. All I can do is go to the Father and ask for help. Otherwise, I might be more harmful than anything. It is He who will move, and it is He who's strength will be shown. The ache inside is the groan it talks about in Romans 8. All of creation waits in eager expectation for the glorious freedom of the saints to come into play.

Its like this in all situations. Even with strangers. All we can do is come with faith like a child, to the Father, and hope and pray and seek and ask and intercede on their behalf that His will might be done. The Father knows best, even when we don't understand.

So, I wait now. For these situations, and for the strangers I pray for everyday. Daddy's got it all under control.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Raising Support For A Family In Need. Please Help.

Hey you all. I can't give too many details in order to protect the family's privacy, but I am trying to raise support for a mother and her family that are in serious need. They need about $2000 immediately and continued support after that until they can cover costs on their own. The funds go to help with some serious life conditions and situations. Please consider helping.

One way you can help me raise funds this month for them is to buy some of my work. I will be giving 50% of the costs of paintings, designs (drawings), and prints to the family through the end of November and 10% after that until all costs are met. Check out some of my art in my album at: or go to the picture link on the right side of my profile.

I will also be holding a garage sale Oct 30-31, and Nov 6-7. 100% of the proceeds will go to the family. If anyone is in KC and has anything to donate to sell please message me for more information. Times of the sale will be given in the next week.

Or you can just donate a fund straight up for the family through by using my email: (notify me so I know what the donation is for) or mail me a check to my address with a memo or note. You can message me for my address. Every $5-$10 counts so don't disqualify what you have to give!

Lastly you can pray for help. We know a God way bigger than we can comprehend.

Thank you all for your time and I hope to hear from you soon on their behalf. God bless!

Kim Sunday

Friday, October 9, 2009

Officially In Kansas City.

Well, I made it to Kansas City. I was here about a day and then went down to Springfield to visit my family for a few days, and now I am back. So, I haven't gotten the chance to see a lot around here. Not having a car can sometimes leave me stranded into my own imagination of what might lie beyond the street I live on and work on. I guess that's okay. I haven't been in the prayer room much either due to having to work on the duplex I'm living in with a few friends. Its finally starting to come together though, and I am getting excited about living in this place. I am definitely noticing the difference between at least 24 hours of straight prayer and having just the momentary prayers through out my day and the hour or so here and there lifestyle instead. I don't even know what I used to do with my time before my job was to sit at His feet all day and minister to Him and others. I am ready to get back in my schedule at the house of prayer, as well as begin to serve again. I don't like my life without Him. There is a void and unsettling in my stomach. Well, I don't have much to say, because I really haven't been doing much but cleaning this place up and working to transition on staff. More next time....and hopefully sooner than later....