Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Moving To Wordpress. Goodbye Blogger.

My new website address is www.kimberlysunday.wordpress.com

I will be posting news on wordpress from now on and more often than I did on this one. I like it better! Hope to see you over there!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Random Facts And Thanksgiving.

My birthday is on Thanksgiving this year. I think I am way more excited about Thanksgiving though. :o) Stuffing is my fav.

A random fact about me is that I am a quadruplet. Yep, that's right. I am one of four girls born at the same time. I don't talk about it much, not because I don't like it or don't want anyone to know, but, because I am just used to everyone knowing. That's the way it was when we were younger. But, now that we all have our own lives and live in different places and do different things we don't know the same people and I forget no one knows. Its just not something I think to tell everyone. Growing up as a quad I haven't really realized how cool of a fact that is. I've been thinking about it a lot today though since I'm getting ready to go home at the end of the week and preparing birthday gifts for them, and I am very excited about it. I don't know what I would have done growing up all by myself. We always had so much fun and always watched out for each other no matter what type of fight we might have been in. Its also pretty amazing that we all survived, and without any health problems. I'm pretty proud of it today and very excited to celebrate my birthday with 3 girls that I love so much and am so thankful for (and I'd say that even if it weren't going to be on Thanksgiving)....:o) And, of course, I love my older sister too. Its always been like she is the same age too. We might as well have been quintuplets!

Another random thing I love is my last name. I almost don't want to get married simply because I love it so much. I mean, seriously...SUNDAY. That...is....awesome.

Anyways, that is my random blog of the moment.

Happy Thanksgiving (early).

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letter From Mike Bickle AND Lou Engle

Dear friends,

We stand at a critical juncture in our nation's history. It is time to encounter God and to take action. The Holy Spirit is visiting His people with power. At the same time, the powers of darkness are raging against the moral fabric of our nation. The light is getting brighter as the darkness gets darker.

Many of you will have heard of the spiritual awakening at our Bible school. On Wednesday, November 11, the Spirit fell on a class for more than 15 hours. The word spread quickly and over 2,000 people spontaneously gathered in the auditorium from all over Kansas City, as deliverance and physical healings continued to increase. We canceled our classes for the next week so that each one of our 1,000 students and interns could receive from the Spirit in an extended way.

We decided to meet nightly from 6:00pm to midnight because His manifest presence continues to increase. Visitors are pouring in from many places across America to partake of this spiritual awakening.

We will continue these evening meetings until our onething conference, December 28–31, 2009, when we are expecting 20,000 young adults to gather for worship, teaching, and to participate in the supernatural ministry of the Spirit.

Last year, over 16,000 young adults attended this conference. We are still hearing testimonies of lives that were changed. This year, we are expecting to receive even more from the Spirit. We believe that this will be a historic and important conference, and encourage you to attend.

The theme for onething'09 is "What is the Spirit saying to the Church?" Our team will proclaim what we believe the Spirit is prophetically speaking to the Church in this hour. We will also share practical ways in which we can “adopt” high schools and colleges across our nation as we envision young people to impact each sphere of society with works of justice and acts of compassion. At the conference, we will have extended ministry times to receive healing, renewal, and impartation from the Spirit. We believe that the Spirit will release His power at this conference, as evidenced by what He is currently doing in our evening meetings.

Mark Anderson, a senior international leader in YWAM who also works closely with Campus Crusade for Christ, will host forums for leaders to discuss how we can systematically evangelize entire cities and campuses in partnership with the houses of prayer in their area. Mark has remarkable insight that comes from his 30 years of successful ministry in evangelism. The Lord has given him some bold new strategies for this hour.

The crisis in our nation is real. The serpentine stranglehold of abortion continues to squeeze the life out of over 4,000 wombs daily. Sexual immorality, both heterosexual and homosexual, are reaching epic heights of perversity. The number of women and children being trafficked into the dark underbelly of the sex industry in our cities is growing at an alarming rate. Entire school systems are giving way to darkness. The sanctity of marriage is under siege, threatening to destroy the moral foundations of our nation.

We will also address the growing crisis that is emerging in many churches across America. A new wave of confusion is systematically seducing many young adults into deception. Sincere young people whose hearts were once ablaze for Jesus are being allured into compromise on foundational biblical truths and practices, while at the same time they are increasing in works of compassion and justice. No amount of increased ministry activity can “balance out” their profound spiritual compromises. In the name of tolerance, they are settling for a humanistic and "politically correct" theology that trivializes the glory of Jesus. Many young adult ministries are falling prey to this as they are seeking “relevance” that dulls the razor’s edge of truth for the sake of man’s approval. It is not enough to mention Jesus’ name if they deny foundational truths about Him. Our works of justice must flow from deep allegiance to Jesus and the Scripture.

Our nation has never stood on such a precarious footing as today. The onslaught of spiritual darkness is increasing in our classrooms, boardrooms, courtrooms, and bedrooms. We must confront the confusion that is pouring forth from many pulpits as well as from the halls of Washington. It is time to draw a line in the sand. We must hear what the Spirit is saying and we must act on it. The Spirit will confirm the truth with demonstrations of power.

It is darkest before the dawn. Our hearts are full of faith. We know another historic "Great Awakening" is soon to sweep across our nation. We look with confidence to God’s promise: “In the last days . . . I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:17-21). All nations will receive the witness of kingdom with power (Mt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9). What a privilege to live in this awesome hour of history.

At this very hour, Jesus is raising up young adults who are being mobilized to cry out in night and day prayer, win the lost, heal the sick, and do works of compassion and justice as they impact the very fabric of our society.

Please join us in Kansas City from December 28–31. The onething’09 conference is FREE. You can register at http://IHOP.org

With passion for Jesus,

Mike Bickle and Lou Engle

Sunday, November 15, 2009

IHOP KC Move Of The Spirit.

Hey guys. There are some very cool things going on that I am witnessing at IHOP KC right now. The Spirit began to stir in the last week and has now begun to outpour on our missions base in ways it talks of in the book of Acts in the Bible. Lots of deliverances and healing going on as well as the joy of the Lord spreading. We are meeting capacity (about 2000 people) at the new building (FSM)we had to switch to, and there are several people hearing about it all over the country and traveling to get here. I've experienced this type of stuff before, but not in this big of a group setting. Its inexplainable and hard to believe at best, but experiencing this type of move of God firsthand for myself is hard to doubt. I am pumped this is happening and very excited to see what else the Lord does. Please keep the staff in your prayers for strength and grace to serve and minister while this is going on. Its going to go for AT LEAST another week. You can tune in and watch the live webstream every night from 6pm-midnight at:http://ihop.org/Groups/1000051963/International_House_of/Events/Weekends_IHOP_KC/Weekend_Services/FSM_Stream/FSM_Stream.aspx?redirected=1 May He touch your hearts and encounter you as well. God bless!

Monday, November 9, 2009

There Is Only One.

Since I left the wilderness out in Ft. Mill/Charlotte South and North Carolina and have moved back to Missouri/the midwest (although here feels more like wilderness than there now that I am here-but that's a different subject all in itself), I am remembering and picking back up on something. To a great extent, my generation is all about advertising themselves. Social situations, dating type relationships, internet (myspace, twitter, facebook, blogs), the work force, etc has taught us to be boldly conceited and live in an impudent way. I have been challenged with the patience I carry in a world that looks to Hollywood and self value in order to know who they are, how to live, and what to do with their lives. Its all false identity and a misconception on who we are. First of all, we have been raised with Christ and seated in heavenly places. This world is not our home. We are of greater worth than a good "about me", large paycheck, prettiest picture, or best/funniest/most thrilling story to share. We are strangers in the earth and pilgrims headed towards a better country. Haha, a WAY better country! Its the longing inside that we feel. We are to go to the river running straight for the throne to find our joy and peace where we will meet the One who's love is for us. His love has always been and always will be for us. Nothing else will satisfy our thirst to be known and be loved. No matter who we may look better than or what image we create for ourselves with words and the "confidence" we walk in. Second, its also His beauty we are looking for. And by beholding His beauty we begin to be transformed into His likeless (that's Jesus I'm talking about!)(and the identity of Christ is who we were made to be like-as sons-to share in His glory). We are headed for the throne of God. We are made to worship. We are made to talk to Him. And we are made to honor Him and love Him. There is only One worthy of the vitality we put into our own advertisement of self. Its Jesus Christ. We need to cast our crowns and get lower and lower. He is worthy of it all.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Father Himself Has Loved You...

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."-John 14:18

The Bible says if we've seen Jesus we've seen the Father, and this is what Jesus said to His desciples.

He also said, "...the Father Himself has loved you..." in John 16:27b.

I am on a new journey that I believe is very critical for many in their walk with God, and therefore, I am writing what I can as I am at the very beginning in hopes of pointing those who are ready down the same path. Its a search, in a way, of the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6) I'm waiting for that light to shine out of my own heart as the Father, and the Bridegroom (my Jesus, my Beloved) are unjustified due to earthly situations and hurt. I want to know the truth of God and my view of Him as the Father and Him as the Son to be shifted; because, I know it is not right. I want to walk in true sonship as well. I want to walk as a true daughter who is everything He says I am and believe everything Jesus has shown us. I know it in head knowledge but I want it to touch my heart, and I want to truly believe. I ache for the day. I want to love Him rightly.

Romans 8:14-17 and Romans 8:28-39 (and really all of Romans 8) are also some verses I have been meditating on as far as this goes.

Short thoughts, I know, but the few words that can explain what is going on in my heart and the journey it is coursing itself onto by the grace of God. More words to come on the Father and His Son, my Bridegroom.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Its all about love.